Running Windows on my Mac (gasp!)
Well, I've finally been forced to figure out how to run Windows on my Mac. The culprit? Quicken.
I love Quicken. But they just don't support the Mac. Intuit is in Beta on "Quicken Financial Life" for the Mac, but it is currently scheduled for release this summer, and that is at least a 6-month delay from the original announced date.
So, for the last year or so, I've been running Quicken on my wife's Vista laptop. But it is SERIOUSLY slow!
I finally decided to try VMWare Fusion, but I couldn't find my original Windows Me install CD (no surpise there), and my old Windows XP Home Upgrade CD wouldn't install without it. So I got the Windows 7 beta, and installed it.
The Windows 7 beta installed fine on Fusion, but it was also SERIOUSLY slow. And it crashed. So that sucked.
But then I remembered a stack of old CDs I had laying around with the intent of eventually using them in a yard project, and managed to find some old Windows 98 betas. And the XP home upgrade installer recognized one of them! Stay tuned...
Well, it turned out to install flawlessly. And I have Quicken installed and working. It was kinda slow, so I upgraded my Mac to 4GB and gave 1GB to VMWare. We'll see if that helps.